“ CLC office will be closed on Sep. 28 for culture trip ”
不要遲到喔,我們明天見 🙂
Cultural Trip TO Tsou’s Indigenous Cultural and Creative Park is Tomorrow (9/27) !
Please bring rain gear☂ and thin jacket🧥 with you. We will meet at FCU East Gate at 07:50.
Please be on time. See you tomorrow!
⚠The office will be closed for whole day tomorrow.
1. 測驗當日僅接受考生憑護照或居留證正本參加考試,不接受護照或居留證影本、學生證、健保卡、駕照等,亦取消考後證件複核機制。
2. 測驗當日監考人員將針對考生護照或居留證正本、點名表上報名之相片與考生本人進行比對並確認考生身份,倘監考人員無法確認照片是否與本人相符,將取消考試資格且不退費。
3. 考生進入試場前須接受金屬掃描,嚴禁攜帶任何金屬和電子裝置入座,包括各種項鍊、耳環、手環、手錶、飾品、零錢、鑰匙、手機、智慧眼鏡、錄音裝置等,建議考生入場前先移除上述物品,以免掃描時間過長。
4. 考生中文姓名、英文姓名、生日等報名資料,需與護照或居留證上的完全一致,倘不一致將無法參加考試,亦不退費。
New Exam Regulations:
1. Please Bring your original passport or ARC on the test day, only original passports or ARC are acceptable. Photocopies of passports or ARC, student IDs, health insurance cards, driver's licenses, etc., are not acceptable. The post-exam document verification process has also been discontinued.
2. On the test day, proctors will verify the test-taker's identity by comparing the original passport or ARC, the photo on the attendance sheet, and the test-taker in person. If the proctor is unable to confirm that the photo matches the individual, the test-taker will be disqualified from the exam without a refund.
3. Before entering the examination venue, all test-takers must undergo a metal detector scan. It is strictly forbidden to bring any metal or electronic devices into the test room, including necklaces, earrings, bracelets, watches, jewelry, coins, keys, mobile phones, smart glasses, recording devices, and similar items. Test-takers are advised to remove these items beforehand to avoid delays during the scanning process.
4. The test-taker's registered information, including Chinese name, English name, and date of birth, must exactly the same as their passport or ARC. If there is any discrepancy, the test-taker will not be allowed to take the exam, and no refund will be provided.

冬季班活動 Winter Term Activity
“ 才藝表演 Talent Show ”
日期 Date:一月二十六日(星期五) January 24th, 2024(Friday)
時間 Time:13:30 - 15:30
地點 Place:行政二館205室 2nd Adm. Bld. Room205

“ CLC office will be closed on Dec. 29 for culture trip ”
12月29日是華語中心的文化旅行~7:20在東門集合喔! 請記得帶護照,也不要忘了帶雨具! 小提醒: 辦公室星期五一整天都不開放。 Dec. 29 is the culture trip day! We will meet at FCU East Gate at 7:20! Please remember to bring your passport. Also, do not forget to bring the rain gear and warm clothes with you! Remind: The office will be closed for whole day.

“ CLC office will be closed on Sep. 22 for culture trip ”
9月22日是華語中心的文化旅行~8:20在東門集合喔! 請記得帶護照,也不要忘了帶雨具! 小提醒: 辦公室星期五一整天都不開放。 Sep. 22 is the culture trip day! We will meet at FCU East Gate at 8:20! Please remember to bring your passport. Also, do not forget to bring the rain gear and warm clothes with you! Remind: The office will be closed for whole day.

“ CLC office will be closed on Jun. 30 for culture trip ”
小提醒: 辦公室星期五一整天都不開放。
Jun. 30 is the culture trip day! We will meet at FCU East Gate at 8:20!
Please remember to wear a mask. Also, do not forget to bring the rain gear and warm clothes with you!
Remind: The office will be closed for whole day.

“ CLC office will be closed on Mar. 31 for culture trip ”
小提醒: 辦公室星期五一整天都不開放。
Mar. 31 is the culture trip day! We will meet at FCU East Gate at 8:00!
Please remember to wear a mask. Also, do not forget to bring the rain gear and warm clothes with you!
Remind: The office will be closed for whole day.

“ CLC office will be closed on Dec. 30 for culture trip ”
小提醒: 辦公室星期五一整天都不開放。
Dec. 30 is the culture trip day! We will meet at FCU East Gate at 7:30!
Please remember to wear a mask. Also, do not forget to bring the rain gear and warm clothes with you!
Remind: The office will be closed for whole day.
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“ Professional skills plus Mandarin ”
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