Contacts 聯絡我們


Contacts 聯絡我們

Our Office


Embassies & Consulates

Representative Offices in Taiwan


Cultural & Social Venues


We have provided in this section a comprehensive list of contacts, address, and phone numbers that you may need during your stay here. Of course, the most important one is our office.
Taichung's area code is 04. If you are in Taichung, you don't need to add the area code when dialing.

Feng Chia University – Chinese Language Center


For an extensive list of consulates, embassies and representative offices abroad, visit the Contacts section.
If we need to update a location, please contact us. Not finding your country? It's probably listed as a representative office.

For diplomatic reasons, most countries have representative offices in Taiwan. W have also provided a contact name and number for you to reach, but your requests are not just limited to them. All offices are located in Taipei (area code 02) unless specified otherwise. If there are any changes, please notifty us by email or phone.

Australia and Asia


North America

Central and South America


Contacts for Local Services

Taxi Services

E-Card Sales in Taichung